Thursday, July 11, 2013

Englsih research proposal-Error Analysis




1.1  Background of the Study
In education, English is the most important thing that should be learns by the learner. As we know, there are four main skills of English such as Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. All of the skill are integrated and support each other. When we want to learning English well, besides the four main skill we also should know the basic component that support English as like Vocabulary, Grammar, Morphology and Phonology. Those components are integrated with the each skill.
By learning English, many things we can get from this as we can explore our communication with the people around the world. if we can learn the four skill by correct grammatical well, not only for communication but also we can get the information from the social media, from the another side country and also we can share each other. And of course we should use and know the correct grammatical if we want to communicate and getting the information.
As we know, if we want to learn English well we should knowing the fourth main skill of English as like Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing but also we can not forget the use of grammar. Here the basic skill of grammar is part of speech, where in the part of speech we learn the first step in English like Noun, Verb, Adverb and Adjective where those part usually happen or find in our daily life. Of course it can be help ourselves if we want build the communication with the people around the world.
Even though the grammar usually part of speech is very important in learning English, but there are still many problems that were found in the process of language acquisition, which would influence the other skills, such as listening, reading, speaking, writing, and so on. This problem also occurs in SMP Negeri 3 Sukawati. This information obtained by interviewing the English teacher and some students. Most of student still confuse about the meaning of the word that they have translate because they still low to understand the context of sentence. Some of the students are confused to define the part of part of speech.
Using acquisition test of grammar usually part of speech is one of the others way to improve the students' grammar mastery. In the present study the researcher is interested in undertaking a research that deals with the acquisition test of vocabulary by ninth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Sukawati in academic year 2013/2014. The researcher hopes the finding of study will be great and usefulness.

1.2  Statement of Research Question
According to the background of the study above, the research question can be formulated as follow: to what extent is the error analysis of part of speech made by the ninth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Sukawati in Academic Year 2013/2014?

1.3  Purpose of the Study
To answer the question above, the present study intends to find out the degree of error analysis of part of speech made by ninth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Sukawati in Academic Year 2013/2014. This study also conducted to improve the mastery of student grammatical sentence and vocabulary.

1.4  Limitation of the Study
In order to avoid the complicated discussion, this study is limited to one population of ninth grade student of SMP Negeri 3 Sukawati. In this case, the researcher only discusses the error analysis of part of speech made by ninth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Sukawati in Academic year 2013/2014. To make the discussion clearer and more specific the researcher wants to emphasize his study only on the result of the students test.

1.5  Assumptions
There are some variable that effect to this research. However, it is only concerned with variable stated in research question. The statements are assumed as follows:
1.      The ninth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Sukawati are assumed to have the same level of intelligence in understanding part of speech.
2.      The ninth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Sukawati are assumed to have learned English as foreign or second language for the same duration time.
3.      The ninth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Sukawati are assumed to be in the same ages.
4.      The ninth grade students of SMPN 3 Sukawati are assumed to have same motivation and desire in learning English.

1.6  Significance of the Study
The result of study is expected to gain both theoretical and practical significant:
1.                Theoretically, this research is expected to contribute to the existing research and will serve as proof of the theoretical understanding of the grammar.
2.                Practically, the result of the study will be useful for student, teacher and school:
-          For the teacher, this study can be used as a reflection to improve student learning outcomes and students' understanding of the grammar.
-          For the student, this study can be a motivation to improve their understanding of grammar to achieve better score.
-          For the school, this study hopefully can increase the student achievement.

1.7  Hypothesis
Based on the research question above it can be stated that, the acquisition of grammar especially part of speech of the ninth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Sukawati is still low.

1.8  Definition of the Key Terms
The terms are used in scientific research sounds complicated and difficult. To avoid the confusion of the reader, it should be attached the definition of each terms used. Here with are the whole terms definitions:
1.      Error Analysis
Involves collecting errors, studying them, classifying then in various ways and suggesting possible cause
2.      Part Of Speech
Part of speech is a term to define a class of word like noun, verb, adverb and adjective.
3.      SMP Negeri 1 Sukawati
SMPN 3 Sukawati is a junior high school located at Jl. Batuyang Batubulan-Gianyar,Bali
1.9  Theoritical Framework
A scientific study must be based on some related theoretical and empirical evidences. Therefore the present research study is based on the following theoretical framework: they are conception of part of speech, kind of part of speech, the use of part of speech in learning English, and assessment of part of speech.

1.10          Methodology
1.10.1     Research Design
The research variable of the present study was an assessment on error analysis of part of speech made by the ninth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Sukawati in academic year 2013/ 2014, made use of an expo facto research design descriptive analysis. In consideration about conception of an ex post facto study above, the present study selects and uses ex post facto design because the error analysis of part of speech as the research variable has already taken place prior the undertaking of this study. Lack of direct control of the confounding independent variables has been widely recognized and remarked as the week version of an ex post facto research. The selection and use of an ex post facto research study suggest to the researcher should be more careful in interpreting and discussing the established research findings because the have rather limited validity and reability.
1.10.2    Population of the Study
A population was the group to which the results of the study were intended to apply. The population of this researcher was the ninth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Sukawati  in academic year 2013/2014; in addition, the total number of the students is around 300 students. They are divided into seven classes.
1.10.3     Sample of the Study
Sample was the small group that was observed. A sample in which contains a good representation of the strata (e.g. of high, medium, low scores) and a selection drawn from each level, is known as a stratified sample. The sample was taken from the ninth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Sukawati in academic year 2013/2014. The ninth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Sukawati in academic year 2013/2014 with total 7 classes and consisting of 300 students altogether are considered as the population of the present study. In this case, the researcher focus her study in class B.
1.10.4    Research Instument
The preparation of valid and reliable research instrument greatly determines the validity and the reliability of the data which are required for the study. This is due to the fact of that only valid reliable research instrument can be used to gather valid and reliable data. The research instrument required to collect the data of the present study which are in the forms or raw scores showing the subjects degree of acquisition of grammatical sentences  on tenses by multiple choice tests. The selections and constructions of appropriate valid and reliable of the research instruments are very essential step of a scientific investigation. The discussion about the validity, reability and item analysis of the research instruments are presented in the subsequent section.
1.      Validity

Validity is the degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure, or can be used successfully for the purposes for which it is intended . Validity of the test refers to established through the extent to which a tests calls how the well of the test . In this study the researcher tried to establish the content of validity, the face of validity, and the construct validity of the complementation tests.
2.      Reliability
A test is said to be reliable of it gives the same results when it is given on different occasions or when it is used by different people. Reliability is a necessary characterisric of any good test : for it to be valid at all, a test must first be reliable as a measuring instrument. There are some formulas that can be used for computing the reliability coefficient of a test by K-R21. The reliability coefficient (r) of multiple choice test items of this study was computed by means of Kuder-Richardson Formula 21 (K-21) which runs as follows :
K-R21 =  
Where :
K-R21 = reliability coefficient
K         = the number of test items
M         = means scores of the test for all items
SD2       = squared standard deviation of all test score

The M and SD of scores obtained in the try out will be computed by using the following formulas :
M             =
SD2          =

Where :
M         = Mean score
X         = The sum of total scores
D         = The sum of square deviation
N         = Number of the samples
SD       = Standard deviation

3.      Item Analysis
The items of the research instrument have to also have both good facility value (FV) and discrimination valie (DV). FV is statistical which show how easy or difficult of the test items proved in the test.  The discrimination value is how well of the test items can discriminate among high achievers, middle accievers and low accievers. Therefore, good research instrument should have the FV and DV ranging between : 0.30 to 0.70.
1.10.5    Data Collection
The data of the present study were gathered by administering the research instruments to the subject under study that was the acquisition of vocabulary by ninth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Sukawati in academic year 2013/2014. The data was collected by administering the acquired data by using research instrument. The administration of the multiple choice test items which lasted 90 minutes was running smoothly and successfully because the subjects were doing the test very seriously and honestly. After the researcher instrument had been administrated, the subjects' answer were scored. The raw score indicates the subjects' ability in mastering grammatical sentences was regarded as the data in this study.
1.10.6    Data Analysis
The data collected for the study which is in the forms of raw scores simply mean nothing unless they are processed or analyzed by means of appropriate formula. In the line with the researcher design of the present study, the obtained data are analyzed by using norm-reference measures of five standard values respectively showing :
1.      M + 1.5 SD                 = A ( Excellent acquisition)
2.      M  + 0.5 SD                   = B ( Good acquisition)
3.      M-0.5 SD                       = C ( Sufficient acquisition)
4.      M- 1.5 SD                      = D ( insufficient acquisition)
5.      M – 1.5 SD                 = E ( Poor acquisition )